Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Player Perspectives: Nate Vandermyde

This edition of Player Perspectives features freshman quarterback Nate Vandermyde and his experiences during his first season with the Cardinals. Vandermyde is a 2008 graduate of Morrison High School in Illinois.

In college, the competition for playing time was tougher than what it was in high school and that was a major adjustment. There were plenty of freshman games so, there were chances to play; it’s just that you have prove yourself in a game situation. The same went for varsity; you have to show the coaches that you are ready to play at that level. The majority of my time was spent preparing the varsity for game day, but there was time at the end set aside for us younger guys to prove ourselves. The coaches had a chance during that time to see our skills. They can also see how well we are doing through film, because the practices are filmed and the freshmen games are filmed as well. There is a higher level of commitment than what was required in high school.

For me the transition between high school and college was tough. College is a lot faster and everyone is on the same level. There is a lot more to learn in college than in high school when dealing with an offense. A lot of variations in formations, numerous passing plays, and certain footwork that goes along with the plays were frustrating to learn at first. The transition academically was somewhat tough but was not that bad. There are just papers that have to be written that cause a high amount of stress.

Class and athletics for me was not that hard to juggle. It got stressful at times but overall I found I could handle it; you just have to manage your time well. We have mandatory study table hours that we have to log so that’s a good time to get the majority of your homework done. During those study tables there are tutors readily available for just about any subject. You can always schedule a time to meet with your teachers to go over the subject material as well.

Our lifting program, I think, is really beneficial. It is time consuming but you have to lift in order to keep up with the other competition for your spot. The lifting helps ease the transition into college football because everyone on the football team is huge when you first come in; at least that’s how it felt for me.

Through lifting and memorizing the plays my goal is to get more playing time some way or another, whether that is at quarterback (where I am right now), special teams, or wherever it works out for me.

1 comment:

  1. nathan vandermyde is a saint....he is hall of fame in my book....way to go nate!!!


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