Friday, February 27, 2009

Count-down to Switzerland

108 Days Until We Leave for Swiss Country!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Player Perspectives: Nick Swanson

This weeks edition of Player Perspectives features Senior Defensive Back and Team Captain Nick Swanson. Swanson was a three year starter in the Cardinals defensive backfield where his very productive career culiminated in 165 tackles, 6 interceptions, 15 pass breakups and 4 sacks. During his time at North Central, Nick was apart of four playoff qualifying teams and three CCIW conference champion teams, all of which he played an instrumental part in. Swanson and his teammates posted the best record over a four year span in North Central football history (38-9) and recently capped off the first undefeated regular season and 11 win season in school history. In his piece, Swanson reflects back on his four year playing career at North Central College, where the program has gone in his time with the school and what he feels it means to be a Cardinal football player. Swanson, who will graduate in the Spring with a degree in chemisty, is a 2005 graduate of Sandburg High School.

What does North Central College Football mean to me? After four years of playing football here, that is the question I started asking myself more and more frequently as my final season drew to a close. I guess the best way to go about answering this is to start from the beginning. When I first came to camp my freshman year I remember very well being intimidated by the older guys. It had nothing to do with the way the older guys treated me, I have no complaints about the seniors they were amazing to me. It was something else that intimidated me about those guys. Players like Tennerelli, Lenny and Bellz were different. The thing that set them apart from just another big guy playing football was the confidence they carried everywhere. That was what I wanted, that swagger, the confidence that comes with playing North Central Football. As an underclassman I didn’t know how to get that “chip on my shoulder” as Coach Wienke calls it, but over time and through training, I finally earned that swagger I saw in those guys 4 years ago.

When I was asked to write this I was asked to pick out the funniest thing that I remember from my football career, honestly, I couldn’t pick out just one story. I’ve had a lot of great times on the field as well as off. My favorite times of the day during the football season (except the games) have to be the times when everyone is sitting around just hanging out. For example, before practice when everyone is listening to music in the locker room, usually the worst dancers on the team try to impress everyone despite their lack of ability. Another perfect example would be after practice when everyone is tired and beat up and the feeling of just being around guys that you know that are working for the same goals as you are.

What is the largest change in NCC football in my four years? Coach Thorne got a TV show, evidence that North Central’s football program is rapidly becoming elite in Division III football. When people would ask what school I go to, and I would reply NCC, people would usually just nod and pretend like they knew where I was talking about. Recently, it seems like more of the people I meet have heard of the school. How do I feel about my success as a North Central College Football? Since being at NCC we have won 38 games, in my senior year we went 11-1 going undefeated in the regular season for the first time in the schools history. Needless to say, my four years have been surreal. These numbers have come from one place, the work ethic of the players. Enduring a season of Coach Wienke’s lifting packet reminds you that you need a special sort of drive or you will not make it here. I could not be happier about where I have been with this team or the records that we have completely shattered along the way.

What will I miss most? I will miss being close to all of these guys, after football is over everything changes. Everyone gets jobs, they have separate lives, they live in different places, and you really need to make an effort to see the people you want to see or before you know it you won’t even know those people anymore. Even in a school this size it is difficult to see everyone that you saw everyday for 4+ hours during football. I will miss preparing for a game; I loved studying the other team, looking for different tendencies that will give you the mental edge. Any meathead can lift weights and run and hit someone, but the truly good players study the game. I really loved the mental part of the game; I felt like that really made football special.

Highlight Tape

The season highlight DVD is now available. Orders must be placed with Mr. Iossi. The forms were all emailed. If you need one contact Coach Spencer.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Count-down to Switzerland

Only 115 days until we depart for Switzerland!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Player Perspectives: Kane Thompson

This edition of Player Perspectives features sophomore linebacker Kane Thompson. In his piece, Kane discusses the transition between freshman and sophomore year at North Central as well as the importance of academics and his experiences playing for back to back conference champion teams. This past season Kane recorded 17 tackles and 2 pass breakups, as well as a blocked kick. Kane is a 2007 graduate of Aledo High School in Aledo, Illinois.

Football at North Central College has been as fun as it has been challenging. Starting off as a freshman last year proved to be a major transition period in my life; I had to maintain my schedule, football, class work, etc. My freshman year did, however, serve as one of the more enjoyable times of my life. My conversion from freshman to sophomore has since been even more pleasant. I’ve participated in North Central’s first undefeated season, enjoyed another conference championship, had another postseason run, and experienced a senior class unlike any other. I believe the team chemistry at North Central College has built our program into a winning one.

A major difference between freshman and sophomore year is the understanding of personal expectations. Coming into the 2007 season at North Central, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. As a sophomore, I am able to fully understand the expectations of coaches on and off the field. I know where I stand in order to play, and I know what I need to do in order to find myself on the field.

Academics are essential at North Central College. I am currently majoring in Athletic Training and Pre-Physical Therapy. I’ve experienced a major transition from the classes I was taking last year to the classes I’m in this year. The classes I took were mainly general education requirements. Conversely, this year I’ve had a stronger focus of classes in my major. These classes are far more challenging, but they are also more enjoyable. I’ve learned that there are more things at North Central College other than to play football and meet new people. Academics should come first because we’ll all be out in the real world someday. Football at North Central College has helped me to focus on serious goals within my life.

Cardinal Basketball

Come out and support your Cardinal basketball team tonight as they take on the Elmhurst Bluejays. The basketball team is currently ranked second in conference and looking to win out and earn a CCIW Championship as well as an invitation to the conference tournament. Tip-off is at 7:30 p.m. in Merner Field House. Show the support for them that they did for us throughout our championship season!

Study Hall and Tutors

Make sure you are getting your study hall and tutor hours as the second half of this terms rolls on. Anyone that was on the mid-term report should be meeting with their professors as well!

Friday, February 13, 2009

122 Days

122 days until we venture into Switzerland

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Player Perspectives: Nate Vandermyde

This edition of Player Perspectives features freshman quarterback Nate Vandermyde and his experiences during his first season with the Cardinals. Vandermyde is a 2008 graduate of Morrison High School in Illinois.

In college, the competition for playing time was tougher than what it was in high school and that was a major adjustment. There were plenty of freshman games so, there were chances to play; it’s just that you have prove yourself in a game situation. The same went for varsity; you have to show the coaches that you are ready to play at that level. The majority of my time was spent preparing the varsity for game day, but there was time at the end set aside for us younger guys to prove ourselves. The coaches had a chance during that time to see our skills. They can also see how well we are doing through film, because the practices are filmed and the freshmen games are filmed as well. There is a higher level of commitment than what was required in high school.

For me the transition between high school and college was tough. College is a lot faster and everyone is on the same level. There is a lot more to learn in college than in high school when dealing with an offense. A lot of variations in formations, numerous passing plays, and certain footwork that goes along with the plays were frustrating to learn at first. The transition academically was somewhat tough but was not that bad. There are just papers that have to be written that cause a high amount of stress.

Class and athletics for me was not that hard to juggle. It got stressful at times but overall I found I could handle it; you just have to manage your time well. We have mandatory study table hours that we have to log so that’s a good time to get the majority of your homework done. During those study tables there are tutors readily available for just about any subject. You can always schedule a time to meet with your teachers to go over the subject material as well.

Our lifting program, I think, is really beneficial. It is time consuming but you have to lift in order to keep up with the other competition for your spot. The lifting helps ease the transition into college football because everyone on the football team is huge when you first come in; at least that’s how it felt for me.

Through lifting and memorizing the plays my goal is to get more playing time some way or another, whether that is at quarterback (where I am right now), special teams, or wherever it works out for me.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


FCA takes place Tuesday night at 7:30 pm in the Boilerhouse Cafe basement.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Cardinals Nationally Ranked

The 2008 North Central Cardinal football team ended their season ranked nationally in two different polls. The Cards finished 9th in the poll and 6th in the American Football Coaches Association (AFCA) poll. Congratulations to the team and their outstanding efforts this past fall!

Academic Champions

The Cardinals not only were perfect on the field but also in the classroom. Congrats to Mike MacIntosh, Joe Rubin, and Brandon Lott for achieving perfect 4.0 GPA's this fall term. We also had 54 players earn higher than a 3.0 GPA this fall which accounts for over 42% of the team. In addition, the receivers took home the title of "Term Academic Champions" with an average GPA of 2.89. Keep up the good work this term fellas!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Ring Sizing

Cards, don't forget championship ring sizing will take place next Thursday February 12th from 3pm-5pm in The Cardinal Room in Merner Fieldhouse (on 1st floor near AD office). All sizing must be done at this time.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Switzerland 2009

The Cardinals will head back to Europe this summer to take on the Landquart Broncos in Switzerland. We will be traveling June 15 thru June 23 throughout Switzerland visiting Bern, Lucerne, and Interlaken. Daily excursions will include lake rides, mountain climbing, canyoning, & white water rafting (see link below). The Cardinals last traveled in 2006 around Italy enjoying the sights and culture of Rome, Florence, and Venice. There are currently 46 football players signed up for the trip and a number of other family members, alums, and administrators from the institution. The next installment is due March 13th.

excursions link:

2008 Season Awards and Reflection

The 2008 campaign for the Cardinal football team continued to break records and build on the success of the years prior. For the first time in the school's long football history, the Cards had a perfect undefeated 10-0 regular season and set a record with 11 wins in a complete season.

With the many accomplishments and victories that 2008 brought North Central Football, the Cards plan on building on and continuing their success in 2009.

Aside from the team's success, 2008 also produced a number of different individual honors for Cardinal footballers;

Junior QB and team captain Aaron Fanthorpe cemented himself as a first team CCIW selection with huge games against Wheaton and Augustana. Fanthorpe was also voted as the Offensive MVP for the entire conference for the second year in a row. Aaron earned CCIW player of the week twice and was voted to's North All-Region third team.

Junior LB and team captain Matt Wenger was perhaps the most decorated Cardinal in school history as his efforts this season earned him CCIW first teams honors as well as the Defensive MVP for the conference. Matt was tabbed as CCIW player of the week a league leading four times and was voted on to's North All-Region first team. Wenger was named an AFCA All-American in December, an honor that very few DIII players achieve.
Junior RB and team captain Dominic Sulo continued to rush his way through the North Central record books this season as he was named a CCIW first teamer for the third time in his storied career. Sulo was also named CCIW player of the week on October 20th for his 127 yard performance against Carthage College. Dominic was named to's North All-Region second team and stands to break every major career rushing record in school history during his senior campaign.

Senior Punter and team captain Adam Pucylowski kicked his way to the 5th best punting average in the nation in 2008. Adam was voted CCIW special teams player of the week three times and was voted first team all CCIW. Pucylowski was also able to earn a spot on's North All-Region third team.

Junior DB Derek Sulo matched his brother's tenacity on the defensive side of the ball as he earned himself a CCIW first team spot for his efforts this past fall. Derek was also recognized by the editors of as he notched a spot on their North All-Region third team.

Sophomore OL Kyle Antos was able to achieve CCIW second team honors in just his first year as a full time starter on the Cardinal offensive line. He was also recognized as a North All-Region second teamer.

Junior OL Josh Delancy continued to gain accolades for his efforts on the field in 2008. Josh was tabbed as a CCIW second teamer as well as a's North All-Region third teamer.

Other individual honors include:

Tim Janacek Junior DL- CCIW First Team
Steve Hlavac Sophomore WR- CCIW Second Team
David Treglown Senior LB- CCIW Second Team

Congratulations to these Cardinals, as well as the entire team, for their outstanding efforts on the gridiron this fall.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Welcome all to the new blog for the 2008 CCIW Football Champions